
Technical support to the reform process of the civil registration system and vital statistics

African governments have identified reform and improvement of civil registration systems and production of vital statistics as priority measures. The Democratic Republic of the Congo has opted to set up and maintain a general file of the population with a view to issuing identity documents. To achieve this objective, it is necessary to set up an efficient civil registration system adapted to contemporary innovations and to create a reliable population identification system to meet statistical needs.



Since April 2018, CIVIPOL has been assisting the Congolese government in the process of reforming the civil registration system and vital statistics. This project, financed by the Fragile States Financing Unit /World Bank, for a period of 32 months, aims to modernise the civil status system in the DRC.

Objectives and activities carried out

CIVIPOL is collaborating for this project with CARITAS DRC, UNFPA, DIGITECH, IDEMIA and TRANSTEC to support the actions of the Congolese authorities, with twelve experts mobilized covering different areas of expertise: legal, organizational development, new information and communication technologies (ICTs), human resources, monitoring and evaluation, institutional development, personal data protection, statistics and demography, biometry and management systems and databases (DBMS). The project consists of five steps: 

  • The diagnosis of the current state of civil registration and vital statistics as well as the analysis of good practices implemented in other countries (Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Mauritania and Uganda)
  • Experimentation of these good practices deployed in four pilot sites to test, on a small scale, innovative practices based on new technologies, including those of digitisation and biometrics
  • The presentation of these proposals in intersectoral workshops, aimed at integrating decision-makers into the modernisation process
  • The development of the programme with the elaboration of legal texts but also a communication plan and the reinforcement of the staff. An evaluation framework will also be established to correct and update the various proposals
  • The presentation and adoption of these texts by the Congolese authorities, to serve as a basis for a modern and reliable civil status system.


The project in figures


Mobilized experts




  • 23 April 2018

    Start of the project

  • December 2018

    Diagnosis validated by the Steering Committee

  • February 2019

    Identification of good practices

  • March 2019

    Experimentation within the 4 pilot sites

  • March 2025

    Adoption of the legislation

  • 31 December 2020

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About the project

Project status

In progress

Funding type

World Bank

Contract type

Service provision