Rapid action groups - Monitoring and intervention in the Sahel (GARSI)
Trust Fund intervention domains / Valetta Action Plan intervention domains
The European Union’s 2015-2020 Regional Strategy Action Plan for the Sahel places security at the heart of all cooperation and development strategies in the Sahel.
The project is financed by the European Union’s Emergency Trust Fund for Africa.
The aim of GAR-SI is to improve the effectiveness of the preventive and reactive action of the national security forces in order to ensure more effective control of the territory and borders, and create favourable conditions for better cross-border cooperation (interoperability of GAR-SI units).
The project is implemented through indirect management by the FIIAPP (Fundación Internacional y para Iberoamérica de Administración y Políticas Públicas), leader of the European consortium which consists of France, Italy and Portugal. The FIAIAPP is being supported by the Spanish ‘Guardia Civil’.
A management body headed up by the project director (Spanish General Espinosa)
Governance and monitoring structures formed by a General Steering Committee for the project and a National Steering Committee in each beneficiary country.
France is in charge of setting up units in two countries: Burkina Faso and Senegal, and is Italy’s partner in Chad.
Implementation on the French side is being carried out by three actors: the National Gendarmerie Directorate (DGGN – Direction Générale de la Gendarmerie Nationale) which is providing the experts, CIVIPOL as a sub-contractor for FIIAPP and the International Defence Council (DCI – Défense Conseil International) Coordination Ministry of the Interior.
National Gendarmeries in the beneficiary countries (direct targets)
The project in figures
Beneficiary countries
The project began in March 2017 and will end in September 2019 except in Chad where the project was delayed due to activities being suspended for several months. it should now finish in October 2020.
03 April 2017
Start of the project
13 November 2021
March 2025
About the project
Person in charge of steering
ROUX David
Project status
In progress
Funding type
European Union
Contract type