Prometheus II is a continuation of Prometheus I, a project designed to better regulate Georgian migratory flows to the EU and to create the conditions for better future air and land border management by the Georgian border guards. Prometheus I was implemented in this context from November 26, 2019, to September 25, 2021.
While the implementation of Prometheus I was considered a success and 2020 also saw a decrease in asylum requests due to the pandemic and stricter controls, the situation is currently back to the 2018 numbers. Therefore, the follow-up of Prometheus is still needed, as Georgia has returned to the top 10 countries of origin for asylum claims in France.
This project aims at strengthening the capacities of the Georgian government on migration and management of migratory flows. The Prometheus II project keeps building on the capacities of the Border and Patrol Police. It is now also designed for the benefit of specialized investigators, whether they work at central (Central Criminal Police Department) or local level (Adjara Police Department, Tbilisi Police Department). It will deepen the capacity reinforcement and the European cooperation in order to bring a more effective response to the irregular migration. The project also includes the support to the structural (re)organization of Georgian services and their respective operational activities, mainly the Border Management and Coordination Division within the Information Analytical Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as focussing on investigating and getting a better understanding of the active illegal networks.
Description of the Action
Component 1 title: inception phase
The project capitalises on previous efforts and results. The main goal of this component will be the identification of needs in terms of training and equipment, as well as the most suitable target audience among the police bodies of the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) and experts in the field.
Component 2 title: capacity building
The Georgia Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) will receive intensive trainings in the field of border management, and especially on document fraud, behavior modelling, border analysis, human trafficking and migrants smuggling.
In addition to the above activities, delivery of relevant equipment to increase the level of protection of borders and increase detection by the services at the borders is also foreseen. At the end, Georgian law enforcement will have an increased awareness and understanding of the established good practices in the border management and tackling irregular migration. Moreover, the Georgian border police in front line field deployments will increase their ability to identify and detect any cross-border irregular movements, and/or organized crime networks at national level.
Component 3 title Operational Exchanges
The aim of such operational exchanges is to enhance coordination and mutual learning on border
management issues. This will be achieved in several ways:
(a) by organizing study visits for Georgian officials in European union member States (France, Latvia and Spain) with a focus on border analysis
(b) by deploying 2 Georgian migration and police officers in a French airport for 6 months at both air and land borders to facilitate controls and communication at the border
(c) by deploying mentors from European Union Member States into the Georgian investigative units to improve the current Georgian curriculum trainings in term of processing investigations and to increase the number of investigations. This will be a long-term partnership building, with regular visits to bring support to the operations and share information.
The Migration Partnership Facility
This project is awarded and contracted in the framework of the Migration Partnership Facility (MPF), an EU-funded initiative implemented by ICMPD in support of the external dimension of the EU migration policy. Through its grants, the MPF facilitates the execution of projects to strengthen dialogue and cooperation on migration and mobility between Member States and partner countries outside the EU.
The project in figures
1 199 845,76
Funded by the European Union (DG Home) and the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), it was conceived within the framework of the multiannual program Mobility Partnership Facility
01 December 2022
Start of the project
31 May 2025