Flow Control / SSR

Technical assistance in the framework of the implementation of the cooperation programme for national security between Senegal and the European Union (SENSEC-UE)

On 8 June 2016 the European Union and the Republic of Senegal signed a funding agreement for a cooperation programme on national security with a financial contribution of €10 million.


The project aims to support the Senegalese authorities and services in charge of national security (police and national gendarmeries, customs and the Ministry of Justice) by providing them with technical assistance to improve their efficiency, effectiveness and accountability in the fight against the greatest threats faced by the agreement’s signatories.

To achieve this global aim, a goal has been fixed for each of the project’s three components:

  • The national security services are better equipped to combat terrorism and organised crime;
  • The national security services are better equipped to perform border control and surveillance duties including in the fight against irregular migration;
  • Improved governance of the national security services to ensure the safety of people and goods.

The project in figures


Technical assistance budget




  • 12 March 2025

    Start of the project

  • 11 October 2018

    Start of the action

    The first steering committee meeting held in Dakar gave the experts the opportunity to present the action plan in the Ministry of the Interior’s conference room in front of the Minister who opened the proceedings.

  • November 2020

    Fin du projet

Flow Control / SSR

About the project

Person in charge of steering


Project status


Funding type

European Union

Contract type

Service provision