The Republic of Guinea is emerging from a long period of political instability. Following the presidential elections in 2010, the President of the Republic, Professor Alpha Conde, made Security Sector Reform (SSR) one of his programme priorities. This led to the implementation of strategic tools and documents such as the National Strategy for Priority Actions (SNAP - Stratégie Nationale d'actions Prioritaires) adopted in May 2014.
The central aim is to restore the authority and legitimacy of domestic security services in the eyes of the population by re-establishing the social contract between the security forces and the communities that they are meant to protect, and by strengthening their ability to take action and their professionalism.
The aim of PARSS 3 is to support the government’s efforts to consolidate the rule of law, governance, the promotion of democratic principles and the protection of human rights. Notably, it seeks to contribute to creating and sustaining a social, economic and peaceful climate by improving security services for the population.
The programme aims to modernise police services in order to build lasting domestic security in Guinea. It will use the existing projects to consolidate their achievements through five components:
Strengthening the strategic management and operational capacities of the civil protection services;
Supporting the National School of Police and Civil Protection Services;
Institutional support for the Ministry of Security and Civil Protection (MSPC - Ministère de la Sécurité et de la Protection Civile);
Continuation and strengthening of support for the introduction of neighbourhood police;
Local governance of security.
The main activities by component are as follows:
- Civil protection:
- strengthening of leadership, management and monitoring capacities of the General Management of the Civil Protection Service (with the implementation of the National Agency for Risk and Catastrophe Management (ANGRC – Agence Nationale de Gestion des Risques et Catastrophes));
- consolidation of the skills base, development of materials and equipment, and the planning and opening of fire stations and selected Civil Protection Units.
- Support for the National School of Police and Civil Protection Services (ENPCC – Ecole Nationale de la Police et de la Protection Civile):
- strengthening the ENPPC’s organisational and operational capacities; continuous professional training for the police and fire-fighters; supply of equipment for the School.
- Institutional support for the MSPC:
- consolidation of the roll-out of the common policy for Human Resources Management within the Ministry of Security and Civil Protection.
- Neighbourhood police:
- expansion of the neighbourhood police approach to other areas of Conakry and supervision of the implementation of neighbourhood police in the police stations involved in previous projects;
- renovation of infrastructure in target zones and central police stations and the Office for the Protection of Gender, Children and Morals (OPROGEM – Office de Protection du Genre, de l’Enfance et des Mœurs)
- Local governance of security
- strengthening dialogue between the police, the local authorities and civil society on the topics of security and measures to prevent crime in the towns of Coyah and Dubréka
- continuation of support for the Local Security and the Prevention of Crime Forums (FLSPD/CLSPD - Fora Locaux Sécurité et de la Prévention de la Délinquance) in areas involved in previous projects and continuation of the “police contact points” initiative.
Finally, preparation and implementation of a communications plan for the Ministry of Security and Civil Protection.
The project in figures
Funding amount
Experts involved in the project long term
The programme started on 2 November 2017 and will last 40 months in partnership with the Department for International Cooperation and the Department for Defence Security Cooperation within the French Ministry of the Interior.
02 November 2017
Start of the project
28 March 2018
Management committee
First management committee
14 November 2018
Management committee

About the project
Person in charge of steering
BOLLY Madliane
Project status
In progress
Funding type
European Union
Contract type