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Regional Operational Centre in Khartoum (ROCK) in support of the Khartoum Process, the African Union Horn of Africa Initiative and the Eastern Africa Police Chiefs Cooperation Organisation (EAPCCO) – phase II

The “Regional Operational Centre in support of the Khartoum Process and African Union (AU) Horn of Africa Initiative” (ROCK) project (1st phase of the project)  was designed with an innovative approach in response to the prevention and fight against trafficking in human beings and smuggling of migrants in the framework of the Joint Valletta Action Plan. It has contributed to the exchange of information between competent Law Enforcement agencies through the setup of a regional police information platform bringing together liaison officers (LOs) from 10 partners countries of the Greater Horn of Africa, including Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda.


LOs are officers seconded by national law enforcement agencies and are central to the ROCK’s model. The ROCK works as a hub where LOs can access IT equipment and technical guidance provided by the programme, but also engage in face-to-face discussions, triangulate information from different countries and engage in a process of analysis, evaluation and dissemination of information (known as the intelligence cycle, in line with international standards approved by International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol) and the European Police Office (Europol).


Since the ROCK started to operate in autumn 2019, it has produced more than 645 intelligence reports, which were distributed not only among partner countries but also globally via INTERPOL’s i24/7 system. These intelligence reports have led to significant results in the operation carried out by the partner countries.


The second phase of the project focus on consolidatong and sustaining the current model of law enforcement cooperation in the fight against criminal networks involved in migrants’ smuggling and trafficking in human beings, but also to strengthen the criminal justice chain against suspected traffickers and smugglers, and to facilitate the transition of the ROCK. 

Relevance of the action

The complexity of the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings and migrant smuggling requires a comprehensive response. It is essential, at the policy and operational levels, to ensure cross-border, regional and international cooperation, in particular through the development and exchange of knowledge and information, as well as the interoperability of information systems.

It is with this in mind, that the "Regional Operational Centre in Khartoum in support of the Khartoum Process and AU-Horn of Africa Initiative (ROCK)” project was born. It is designed to improving knowledge and information sharing between the different countries of the Horn of Africa. The project to set up and run the ROCK from 3 December 2017 to 30 April 2022, was an initiative funded by the European Union at the request of the Khartoum Process countries. The creation of an information-sharing centre based in Khartoum - at the crossroads for migration -, in which 10 liaison officers from the Horn of Africa (Djibouti, DRC, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Chad and Uganda) has shown to be innovative and relevant. The IT equipment and technical support provided by the project has shown concrete operational results. The ROCK has participated in INTERPOL operations (Operation Tartan, Weka, Liberterra), which have resulted in the arrest of numerous suspects and the rescue of many more victims, but more importantly police operations have also been carried out by the countries themselves as a result of information provided by the project, freeing victims of extortion, torture, detention for ransom, sexual violence and exploitation, forced labour and domestic servitude. Liaison Officers are an effective operational way to complement traditional information sharing agreements and to encourage international collaboration and synergies to fight criminal organisations. 

Results obtained:

- + 645 intelligence reports were transmitted to INTERPOL via the Interpol National Office in Khartoum or Nairobi

- INTERPOL official partner of the project since December 2020 (1 full-time Criminal Analyst on the project, Criminal Information Analysis, training of OLs, regional operations, study of the installation of I24/7 within ROCK)

- Establishment, development and sustainability of a regional network of operational contacts in the implementation of a global strategy to combat criminal networks.

- Thanks to the sharing of information and reports sent via INTARPOL I24/7, ROCK has participated in the success of numerous operations (For example: Arrest of Kidane, one of the most wanted traffickers).

In terms of number, this represents:

- 2633 victims were released and identified

- 10 trafficking networks were dismantled.

- 74 traffickers were arrested

- 61.3% of the incident reporting objective was achieved

- One of the world's most famous fugitives has been arrested in Sudan, thanks to joint actions.



The Overall Objective (Impact) of this action is to contribute to reduce the number of incidents of trafficking in human beings and smuggling of migrants in East Africa and enhance victims´ protection.



The project in figures




The first phase of the ROCK ended on 30/04/2022, and the second phase started on 1 May 2022

  • 01 May 2022

    Start of the project

  • 30 April 2025

    End of the second phase

ROCK premises ROCK premises

About the project

Person in charge of steering

SANDOR Anne-Sophie

Project status

In progress

Funding type

European Union

Contract type
