Cavida Lamour
Cavida holds a personal assistant diploma (BTS – Brevet de Technicien Supérieur) and has held various PA roles. DShe worked first on external communications for the Ministry of National Education and Research where she assisted in the organisation of events such as the Education Fair and reception ceremonies for Ministers at the time. She then joined the public institution for the Villette park as assistant to the President and General Director. Following this she moved to Expertise France where she stayed for just over four years (2014-2019). For the first two years she was an Executive Assistant for the agency’s general management, and for the last two years she was a Project Assistant in the Peace, Stability and Safety Department working in particular for the Global Threats and Organised Crime Unit. She joined CIVIPOL in March 2019 as a Project Assistant and works in particular on the Euromed Police project and the G5 Sahel support project.